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All the dependencies are pluggable. Stove supports:

and more to come.

There is a structure for a dependency to be pluggable in the Stove testing system. Every system connects or starts its life with with notation. For example, withCouchbase, withHttpClient, withKafka... That means, if you want plug a physical dependency to your system look for a method that starts with with keyword. Having said that, when you write your own system that Stove does not have, you should use this structure, too.

Every system has the SystemOptions

Every system accepts an options parameter that implements SystemOptions. For example;

fun TestSystem.withKafka(
    options: KafkaSystemOptions = KafkaSystemOptions(),
Here KafkaSystemOptions implements SystemOptions interface.

If a system exposes its run-time configurations then it implements ConfiguresExposedConfiguration. This is applicable for most of the cases. This mechanism allows you to configure your application (system under test) args before it starts.

        KafkaSystemOptions(configureExposedConfiguration = { cfg ->
Highlighted list of configurations are passed to the application's main(args) function.