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Writing a TestInitializer

The tests initializers help you to add test scoped beans, basically you can configure the Spring application from the test perspective.

e2e Testing has dependencies:

  • ObjectMapper, you can either provide the ObjectMapper you have already in here we get existing bean by ref("objectMapper")
  • TestSystemInterceptor is for being able to check consumed messages
class TestInitializer : BaseApplicationContextInitializer({
    bean<TestSystemInterceptor>(isPrimary = true)
    bean<ObjectMapper> { ref("objectMapper") } // "objectMapper" bean name should be in your spring context otherwise it will fail, if not you can provide an instance here.
    // Be sure that, Couchbase, Kafka and other systems share the same serialization strategy.
    bean<NoDelayBackgroundCommandBusImpl>(isPrimary = true) // Optional dependency to alter delayed implementation with 0-wait.

fun SpringApplication.addTestDependencies() {

addTestDependencies is an extension that helps us to register our dependencies in the application.

    runner = { parameters -> {
    withParameters = listOf(