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Creates carousel component.

<Carousel />


childrenNode[]true[]Child items that will be wrapped by carousel
shownumberfalse1number of items to show at per slide
slidenumberfalse1number of how many items to slide
infinitebooleanfalsetruescrolling infinity
transitionnumberfalse0.5same as css transition property's second value
swipingbooleanfalsefalseenable swiping/dragging with mouse/touch events
swipeOnnumberfalse1percantage of item width that slides when user drag count exceeds
responsivebooleanfalsefalseenables the feature that adjusts items width according to screen size dynamically
classNamestringfalse""same as react's className property
useArrowKeysbooleanfalsefalseenables sliding when press arrow keys
a11yArrayfalse{}accessibility attributes
dynamicBooleanfalsefalseif items are stateful, specify this option as true. Also give unique key to each item (like id)
rightArrowReactElementfalsenullcustom right arrow component
leftArrowReactElementfalsenullcustom left arrow component